Tribal Brownfields Program

• 128(a) Tribal response program
• Funding is non-competitive although funding levels vary
• Next years funding is already been submitted for
• Funding ranges from 50k to 100k
• Focus is on setting up mechanisms/capacity and site inventory

Tribal Program

EPA Elements of the Program?
• Timely survey and inventory of Brownfields sites
• Oversight and enforcement authorities or other mechanisms and resources to ensure that a response action will protect human health and the environment and be conducted in accordance with applicable laws, and that a tribe will complete the response action (including long-term operations and maintenance/monitoring) if the person completing response fails to do so;
• Mechanisms and resources to provide meaningful opportunities for public participation; and
• Mechanisms for approval of a cleanup plan and verification and certification that cleanup is complete.

Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Indian Tribe
• Survey and inventory Brownfields sites on the Reservation and Colony including open dump sites, abandoned mines, mine waste dump sites and use of mine waste on the reservation.
• Coordinate with local Brownfields efforts to allow the Tribe to participate with other Brownfields efforts that could accelerate the use of Brownfields funds for economic development faster. This can include sites that effect areas of significance to the Tribe (cultural or gathering sites) as well as other sites in the watershed that are of concern.

Walker River Paiute Tribe
• Survey and inventory Brownfields sites on the Reservation including open dump sites, abandonded and historic buildings and the old Walker River truck fueling stop.
• Coordinate with local Brownfields efforts to allow the Tribe to participate with other Brownfields efforts that could accelerate the use of Brownfields funds for economic development faster. This can include sites that effect areas of significance to the Tribe (cultural or gathering sites) as well as other sites in the watershed that are of concern